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He reiterated China quote, Which would see North Korea suspend its nuclear and missile activities in exchange for a suspension of massive military exercises by america and South Korea. Ambassador Vladimir Safronkov, Whose country borders North Korea and saw one of Pyongyang missiles alongside its waters, Backed the freeze for freeze business proposal, Saying choice here has to be made and is overtaken by using diplomatic tools to the maximum extent possible. Adventurism of Pyongyang is not something that should impart us with a pretext for the increase of military activity in the region, Much less for the execution of plans of using force, he explained. Logic of conflict is fraught with disastrous consequences for the Korean Peninsula and for the region as a whole. Naming the us,our great country but clearly referring to the Trump administration, Safronkov also cautioned: Says they will talk but under certain issues. If we speak together in language of ultimatums, We will never move forward from this level. Friday political election, The North Korean sanctions blacklist named 39 some individuals and 42 entities and groups subject to sanctions.